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Skyon sprinkler system testing

Skyon office building welcomes everyone this August, which means the testing of all the technical systems’ work is in full swing. Here, you can see the first test of the watermist fire suppression system.

Compared to the conventional fire sprinkler system, the watermist fire suppression requires from 50 to 80 per cent less water to be effective, which minimises potential water damage to the interior.

Capital Mill sold an almost-2000-square-meter commercial building at 21 Sevcenkos in Vilnius, Lithuania

An agreement has been reached and a commercial building situated at 21 Sevcenkos in Vilnius has changed its owner from Capital Mill to a Lithuanian developper (Br)/ developer (Am), Homa Group.

Newsec and Fort Legal were of great help in the consulting process of the deal.

The change is directly linked to the Capital Mill’s strategy of their portfolio renewal through investing into bigger projects in the Baltics.

You can read press release here: