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Laaneserva became Estonia’s first residential area with eco-friendly asphalt

For the eco-friendly asphalt solution, we collaborated with the local wood chemistry developer Fibenol.

“Capital Mill is always seeking sustainable solutions because we understand that our actions have a profound impact on today’s society and future generations. The collaboration with Fibenol in installing eco-friendly asphalt is part of our long-term strategy to incorporate as many sustainable solutions as possible in our developments. Small steps together create significant change, which we must address today, not tomorrow. As developers, it is our duty to create an environment that supports a holistic and sustainable lifestyle,” comments Kaarel Loigu, CEO of Capital Mill.

Watch the video to see what eco-friendly asphalt is and why its installation is an important step in residential development:

In eco-friendly asphalt, the fossil-based binder bitumen is replaced with lignin, making the asphalt significantly more environmentally friendly compared to conventional asphalt. Even during installation, instead of the usual smell, you can immediately notice a mild, natural scent. Lignin is a binding agent found in wood that protects the tree from external environmental impacts. In hardwoods, the lignin content ranges from 20-30%. By extracting lignin from wood, it can be used as a raw material in the chemical and materials industry.

In the video, Deputy Secretary General for Environmental and Circular Economy at the Ministry of Climate, Ivo Jaanisoo, Fibenol’s External Funds Coordinator, Reet Nõmmoja, and Capital Mill’s Construction Manager, Taavi Kiisk, discuss the eco-friendly asphalt solution and future plans.

Laaneserva is a residential development project completed in summer 2024 near the Viimsi Open Air Museum.

TalTech scholarship competition: Kaarel Loigu presented the Capital Mill scholarship to Daniel Tootsman!

Daniel Tootsman, who studies building design and construction management, earned the Capital Mill scholarship at TalTech’s spring scholarship competition! Capital Mill awarded the scholarship in the field of construction and planning within the Faculty of Engineering for the second year in a row.

“Daniel stood out because his vision of the development trends for buildings and structures over the next 15 years largely aligns with our vision. During his studies, he has also shown dedication and ambition, which he will undoubtedly bring with him when he enters the sector,” explains Capital Mill’s CEO Kaarel Loigu, why Daniel was chosen.
“Daniel also expressed a desire to do a design internship with us if possible,” envisions Kaarel potential closer cooperation with Daniel in the future.

Applicants for the scholarship had to present their vision of what the major development trends or changes in buildings and structures could be over the next 15 to 20 years.

Kaarel believes that successful companies should always take the opportunity to show that they care: “For us, it is a sign of a company’s maturity and part of responsible behavior in society as a whole. It is also an opportunity and willingness to invest in young people who are creating the future for all of us.”

Press release: Capital Mill Capital Mill held the rafter party of the Luise 13 residential project

Luise 13 sarikapidu

Last Thursday was the perfect time to hold a rafter party at the site of the Capital Mill’s latest residential development project – Luise 13. It is safe to say that this exclusive 14-flat building located in Tallinn’s Kassisaba area is to be completed by the end of the year 2024.

„The construction works at Luise 13 have been moving swiftly according to plan. We have come so far since last July when the first bucket of ground was dug, that it is high time to bring the wreath down,“ said Capital Mill’s Chief Construction Manager, Silver Neemelo. „We want to express our sincere gratitude to the construction team of Grand Ehitus for their work and thank our future home buyers as well.“

According to Silver Neemelo, it’s nice to see that the city centre hasn’t lost its appeal as a place to live, build a home or invest in. We meant to create the Luise 13 project that would be at the heart of everything essential for a comfortable daily life. The Old Town, Tõnismägi and Kristiine districts are all just a short walk away, which means that there are shopping malls, schools and kindergartens, parks, and other important institutions nearby. Luise 13 is being created to become a go-between among all the architectural styles around it and to seamlessly blend into its surroundings.

„The last two years have been both challenging due to the tough situation on the market and exciting,“ said Silver Neemelo who added that an average home-buyer today seems to be acutely aware of their wishes, needs, and financial means at their disposal. „The most-searched for are economical homes with the emphasis on details, the layout and the overall environment.“

The architectural profile of Luise 13 was created by the leading specialists of Apex Arhitektuuribüroo – Ove Oot, Janar Blehner, and Signe Kits.

Capital Mill is a company established in 2008, which is focused on property investments in the Baltic States. Its current portfolio reaches 500 million euros. The team of the company has many years of experience in the field of property development. Capital Mill manages several highly regarded properties in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.

Gallery (by Kalev Lilleorg):

Luise 13 exteriors:


Additional information:

Silver Neemelo

+372 5343 5040

Capital Mill OÜ

Press release: Real estate company Capital Mill will upgrade its commercial buildings in the Baltics with an electric car charging network

Today, public charging stations for electric cars were opened at the Tiskre Prisma supermarket and the Skyon office building in central Tallinn, both managed by Capital Mill. Eleport, which develops charging infrastructure for electric cars, will provide charging stations to a total of 60 sites managed by Capital Mill. There are currently 16 under construction, 12 of which are shopping centres.

‘The installation of electric car charging stations for the shopping centres and commercial buildings managed by Capital Mill is, on the one hand, a forward-looking initiative. On the other hand, however, that future is already here – the share of electric cars in the local car fleet is steadily increasing and car manufacturers are offering more and more new electric models,’ said Tanel Samuel, Member of the Management Board of Capital Mill.  ‘As a developer, Capital Mill has followed green building standards for many years, and part of that green thinking is to provide charging infrastructure for environmentally friendly electric vehicles where people work, shop, etc.’

According to Tanel Samuel, it is becoming more and more important for customers visiting a shopping centre to find a convenient and fast charging station for their electric car, ‘Today, shopping is not just about shopping in a store, but also about providing an emotional experience for visitors. Electromobility will play an increasingly important role. The customer experience and the service we provide starts at the car park.’

According to the Country Manager Estonia of Eleport, Kaupo Eerme, the aim of Eleport is to provide a public charging service. ‘It is not feasible or rational for all electric car owners to install a charging station at home. That is why we consider it important to establish charging stations for commercial real estate and retail premises, so that owners of electric cars can conveniently use our service during their daily commutes,’ said Eerme. It is now possible to charge four cars at the same time at both the Skyon office building and the Tiskre Prisma supermarket. The next step is to open charging stations at the Raudalu Konsum supermarket.

Capital Mill is a company established in 2008, which is focused on real estate investments in the Baltic States. Its current portfolio reaches 500 million euros. Its team has many years of experience in real estate development. Capital Mill manages a number of highly regarded commercial buildings in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.

Eleport is a company established in 2016 that develops charging networks and related software in the Baltics and Poland. The growth of Eleport has been financed by Ambient Sound Investments, an investment firm co-invested by Gren, Bolt, Scandium Energy, and Skype, and 100 million euros will be invested in the coming years to expand the current charging network in Central and Eastern Europe. This makes Eleport one of the largest and fastest-growing companies in its sector, offering charging services from 100% renewable energy sources certified in the European Union.

Pictures from the charging station at Skyon:


Press release: Charity stair race at Skyon raised 3,874 euros for children

On Thursday, a charity stair run was held in the 26-storey Skyon office building, raising donations of nearly 3,874 euros for the My Dream Day foundation. Wrestler Heiki Nabi also participated in the stair race.

The Skyon star race, organised for the third consecutive year by Capital Mill, brought together 149 people for a sporting challenge as well as a pre-Christmas charity event. Participants could choose between walking and running, but only the fastest one to reach the top won the challenge.

Capital Mill donated 26 euros for every participant for every 26 floors of Skyon to the charity My Dream Day, which makes the dreams of seriously and chronically ill children come true. A total of 3,874 euros was raised in donations.

‘The donation of Skyon to the My Dreams Dream Foundation will help bring joy to the most vulnerable target group of society – seriously ill children. Our foundation makes the dreams of seriously or chronically ill children come true to provide emotional support to children and their families, which is an important part of the whole treatment process,’ said Margarita Ingel, CEO of the My Dream Day Foundation. ‘Sadly, the number of seriously ill children has not decreased over the years. Fortunately, with each passing year, the number of dream days we have been able to offer to these children has increased.’

According to Margarita Ingel, this also helps to grow the community which includes the target children, their families, and partner associations. In addition to personalised dream days, the foundation organises family days where families with similar experiences can get to know each other, spend quality time together, and gain essential support and contacts. ‘We are sincerely grateful for this important donation and cooperation: the charity stair race last year meant that we were able to organise two dream days and the Winter Family Day this year with the participation of children, families, and associations of our target group,’ she added.

This year, two-time world Greco-Roman wrestling champion Heiki Nabi also took part in the Skyon charity stair race. ‘It was definitely a challenge,’ the athlete admitted. ‘I have never taken part in a stair race before, but I really enjoyed it, especially because the aim was charitable – to support the My Dream Day Foundation. I invite others to take part in the stair race next year as well.’

The winner of this year’s stair race was Sander Kaur, who is a professional stair runner with a time of 2.04.

To reach the top, 545 steps had to be climbed over 26 floors. Kaarel Loigu, CEO of Capital Mill, who also completed the race, said that the charity stair race has now become a beautiful tradition, which is popular both among people working in high-rise buildings and others – evidenced by the participation of professional stair runners this year. ‘It does not matter how fast you get to the last floor of Skyon – each participant is doing a small gesture of kindness by this participating. This time, for example, there was a participant who climbed the stairs ten times,’ he said.

GALLERY (Andrei Ozdoba):

Press release: Capital Mill held the rafter party of the Laaneserva residential area in Viimsi

On Thursday, the rafter party was held in the Laaneserva residential area developed by Capital Mill in Haabneeme Village, Viimsi. By the end of the summer of 2024, thirty-six new homes will be built in the secluded area with beautiful nature.

‘The construction works of the Laaneserva residential area have hit the ground running – excavation works started this July and we have now reached the point of being able to remove the rafter wreath from the first building, said Kaarel Loigu, executive manager of Capital Mill. ‘We would like to thank the NOBE construction company for their good work, as well as the first buyers of the new homes. He are glad that the benefits offered by this beautiful natural area is appreciated by home-buyers and they value the sustainable and high-quality construction solutions in these A energy class row houses. This development project does not merely involve construction of buildings, but also contributes to the creation of a healthy micro-environment which promotes the community.’

‘We believe in the potential of this area, which is why we chose those locations for new green developments. Now is the best time for buying a new home, as only of few of such development projects are currently added to the market and the increase in the value added tax next year will also have an impact on property prices,’ admitted Kaarel Loigu.

Privacy was especially prioritised in choosing the locations of the houses of the Laaneserva development, as the L-shaped buildings help to create a cosy and quiet courtyard with a playground, where children of all ages will find plenty to do. Based on this principle, the terraces are also facing away from one another, allowing the future home-owners to spend time on their own and with their families as privately as possible. The architectural solution of the buildings was created by the AB Panda architecture bureau.

In May, the NOBE construction company concluded a contract for the construction of four row houses with companies managed by Capital Mill. In total, thirty-six apartments will be built at the addresses of 6 Laaneserva tee, 5 Laanelinnu tee, 8 Laaneserva tee, and 7 Laanelinnu tee in the Viimsi rural municipality. Ten million euros before value added tax is invested in the project.

In the field of residential property development, Capital Mill is also involved in the development projects at 13 Luise St. and 17 Jakobi St.

Capital Mill is a company established in 2008, which is focused on property investments in the Baltic States. Its current portfolio reaches 500 million euros. The team of the company has many years of experience in the field of property development. Capital Mill manages a number of highly regarded properties in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.



Additional information:

Kaarel Loigu

Capital Mill, Executive Manager

+372 630 3700

Press release: Prisma supermarkets built by Capital Mill received LEED certificates for environmental sustainability

Tiskre and Maardu Prisma supermarkets, which opened their doors last year on the commercial premises built by Capital Mill, received LEED certificates for meeting strict environmental sustainability standards. These are the first supermarket-type buildings in Estonia that have been certified.

‘Of the commercial buildings developed by Capital Mill in Estonia, six buildings have now received the LEED environmental certificate. Of these, two LEED certificates were added last week to recognise compliance with environmentally sustainable building standards in the construction of commercial spaces as well,’ said the CEO of Capital Mill, Kaarel Loigu.

According to Kaarel Loigu, A-energy class buildings with sustainable solutions have become a new mandatory level for the developer, and Capital Mill wants to go every step of the way in terms of certification requirements by thinking green. On the other hand, the LEED certificate indicates quality, which helps find tenants for buildings or get better financing conditions.

During LEED certification, the building receives points in different categories, where one of the important indicators is the building’s energy use – heating, cooling, and the consumption of electricity. According to Kaarel Loigu, Maardu Prisma and Tiskre Prisma use environmentally friendly refrigeration equipment. They use natural and water vapour-free refrigerant, which has an ozone depletion coefficient and a very low impact on global warming. For more efficient use of energy and heating of the building, residual heat from the same cooling system is used.

Forus, a company that contributes to safety and sustainability, helped the Prisma supermarkets achieve the certificate, by acting as partner and consultant throughout the process. Kairi Nõulik, Head of the Forus Energy Efficiency department, said that the most environmentally friendly way to heat a building is to use efficient district heating or ground source heat pumps, which have a lower CO2 footprint, instead of fossil fuels. For example, Maardu Prisma is located in an efficient district heating area, and this earned the building extra points for certification.

Kairi Nõulik also stated that she considers the two supermarkets’ lighting system to be one of the most efficient in commercial buildings today. In addition to the measures mentioned above, solar panels were installed on the roof of Tiskre Prisma.

Maardu Prisma, located at Keemikute tee 43, was opened in the summer of 2022. The size of the investment was approximately 4.5 million euros. A charging point for electric vehicles was also built next to Maardu Prisma. Tiskre Prisma, located at Liiva tee 61, opened its doors last autumn. The total investment for the establishment of this centre was nearly 4.5 million euros.

Photos of the Prisma supermarkets:


Additional information:

Kaarel Loigu

CEO of Capital Mill

+372 630 3700

Capital Mill is rapidly expanding its residential development activities in Viimsi

Capital Mill has acquired another residential development project in the Laaneserva area of Viimsi municipality. The goal is to build a residential block for more than fifty families in this promising area.

The company under the management of Capital Mill recently acquired six properties totalling approximately 25,600 square metres, the detail plan envisages the construction of 66 terraced house blocks.

‘This is an important deal with which Capital Mill further expands its portfolio in the field of residential development,’ said CEO of Capital Mill, Kaarel Loigu. ‘We believe in the sustainable development of this area and the value of the environment. That is why we purchased new development properties next to the Laaneserva development, which is already in construction.’

According to Kaarel Loigu, active construction is underway on the existing Laaneserva property, where the planned completion date of the terraced houses is the end of summer 2024. The building permit application process is ongoing for newly acquired properties.

‘Potential buyers have great interest in the new green residential area. This is also proven by the fact that we have already sold five homes in just a few weeks,’ said Kaarel Loigu. ‘As the developers, we see that residential development projects with a good perspective do not go unnoticed by customers, and there is no lack of demand from those interested in buying homes, despite the current state of the market, where inflation continues to be high and Euribor is on the rise. In many ways, this is a time of opportunities, and the need for high-quality real estate continues to motivate Capital Mill to continue its pursuits in this field.’

In residential development, Capital Mill is also active in the Laaneserva, Luise 13, and Jakobi 17 development projects


Additional information:

Kaarel Loigu

CEO of Capital Mill

+372 630 3700

Capital Mill started the construction of an apartment building at the Kassisaba area in Tallinn

This week, Capital Mill started the construction of a new apartment building at Luise St 13 of the Kassisaba area in Tallinn; the modern 14-apartment building made to fit the historical city area will be ready by the end of 2024.

“July of this year has been a busy housing development month for Capital Mill – while the beginning of the month saw the launch of the construction of private houses at the Viimsi Laanserva development, then this week, Grand Ehitus started the construction of the new Luise 13 apartment building in the historical Kassisaba area,” said CEO of Capital Mill Kaarel Loigu.

According to Kaarel Loigu, Luise Street 13 is a practical as well an exciting place to live. The surrounding areas include Old Town, Tõnismägi and Kristiine with shopping centres, parks and other establishments within a walking distance. “When living on Luise Street, you can run your daily errands car-free as the public transportation links are excellent,” said the CEO.

The Luise 13 apartment building is surrounded by historical wooden houses as well as slightly newer stone buildings. “Luise 13 is a joining link between different styles of architecture and fits perfectly into its surroundings,” said Kaarel Loigu. “It is a neighbourhood that is never dull and a building that’s unordinary. The neighbourhood is a good and convenient living area for families of varied sizes as well as for people who appreciate the proximity of the city centre and the historical milieu.”

The four-storey building has a reinforced concrete structure with wooden board exterior finishing and a rooftop covered with plantation in line with green thinking. The ground floor features parking spaces for cars as well as bicycles. There’s a children’s playground outside. The author of the architectural solution is Apex Ahitektuuribüroo OÜ.

Capital Mill’s other housing developments include Laaneserva, Väike-Taani and Jakobi 17 development projects.


Capital Mill begins construction of the Laaneserva residential area in Viimsi Rural Municipality

This Monday, Capital Mill began construction of the Laaneserva residential area in Haabneeme Village, Viimsi Rural Municipality, where construction of new homes for a total of 36 families in a beautiful and private area will be completed by the end of summer 2024. This is a major residential development project for Capital Mill, which has previously focused on commercial real estate investments.

‘Capital Mill’s expansion into the field of residential development has got off to a successful start – sufficient interest has been shown towards the future residential buildings of Laaneserva, and the first bookings for terraced houses have also been made. This positive emotion offers a good place to start actual construction activities at the beginning of July. Located in a peaceful scenic area, and only a few minutes’ drive from the Viimsi Keskus shopping centre, the Laaneserva development presents a very attractive opportunity for a future home,’ said Kaarel Loigu, CEO of Capital Mill.

According to Kaarel Loigu, the terraced houses of Laaneserva – located inside a patch of forest and separated from each other by a courtyard – offer ample peace and quiet. The façade solutions and materials used in the buildings fit in well with the surrounding natural environment.

Particular attention has been paid to privacy with the placement of the buildings in the Laaneserva development, as the L-shaped buildings help to create a cosy and quiet courtyard with a play area offering activities for children of all ages. Consequently, the locations of the terraces are also in different directions relative to each other, granting maximum separation to future homeowners while allowing them to spend time privately with their families. The author of the architectural solution for the buildings is architecture firm AB Panda.

In May, construction company NOBE signed a contract for services with companies under the management of Capital Mill for the construction of four terraced houses, where a total of 36 terraced house sections will be built at the addresses Laaneserva tee 6, Laanelinnu tee 5, Laaneserva tee 8, and Laanelinnu tee 7 in Viimsi Rural Municipality. The total cost of the construction works is approximately EUR 6.8 million, excluding VAT.

Capital Mill is also active in the field of residential development with the Luise 13, Väike-Taani, and Jakobi 17 development projects.
